I wrote this within days of getting back from Texas and really have no excuse as to why it's just being posted...
Anyhow, we had a good visit with Clayton's orthopedic surgeon...and the dentist. I think I've mentioned before how much I love the dentist there and why we make a point to see them when we do ortho. If you don't remember it's because almost ALL of their patients are special needs and not only are they equipped to accommodate any and all of those needs on site, but they know how to work with these kids to get the job done while inflicting minimal trauma. Love them. And what I love even more is that we had a GREAT visit with them. We found a new way to hold Clayton for exams that rocks my socks off because even though it upsets him, it is easier on everyone...including him. Oh, and we have to hold him in some form or fashion because he has not yet reached a point of cooperation in the dental arena and we have to get stuff done. The report was awesome one year after his extensive dental surgery from last year. Remember the snowstorm in Dallas? Yea, me too. They said his teeth look great!!! I was slightly
On to Ortho...that went pretty great too. Here is the run down:
- Clayton's curve is about the same as last year which is great because it's not worse. This could be due to the fact that according to the doctor the spine undergoes rapid growth through year 6 and then it slows down.
- We will keep doing check ups while we wait for Clayton to get as old as possible before fusing his entire spine. When we do cancer scans in Pensacola, they include his spine and send a copy to the ortho surgeon in Dallas. In addition, we will keep visiting TSRHC doing check ups and X-rays and dental every six months to a year.
- We will be fusing his entire spine, but we need to let him grow as much as possible. In the doctors words, 12 years would be a home run, but he does not think it will be able to wait that long, so we are thinking this surgery will take place around 10 years old. Knowing that we have X amount of time is nice for us and allows us to make plans and such.
- And last, but not least because it is of the utmost importance, the doctor is not concerned at this time with his respiratory status. If Clayton's curve does not get worse before his future surgery, then hopefully his respiratory function will stay the same and not decline. However, there is great potential for it to decline if his back gets worse, so we just watch him for changes and report back to the doctor. If it becomes a problem, we might do the surgery around 9 years old.
As for homesteading, it all came from Clayton. When my sweet innocent three year old got cancer, it made no sense. None. And while different people handle things different ways, I looked for answers. I could have been angry at God, but my findings led me to be angry at man. Angry at man for our stupidity in how we live, what we eat and how we are destroying this earth and our bodies and how we will pay a price for that and most of all, how our children will pay a far steeper price. So I threw myself into this world of organic and natural living; testing the waters in certain areas and diving head first in others. And it isn't easy. I don't live in an area of the country where these notions are popular. I have been laughed at more than I care to say. Funny thing is though every time someone laughs at me about something it isn't long before a news article comes out in which the science seems to be backing up my beliefs. When this happens I can't help but smile and laugh to myself a bit. Obviously I am no pioneer in this natural living movement, I just found it when I needed answers. There really are a lot of people out there trying to live this way because they have seen the benefits of it and so many wonderful ladies who blog their journeys down this path. But I digress...
As for me and my boys well, I'm not sure at what point you can call yourself a homesteader, but if we're not there yet, we're striving towards that goal. What does that mean for us? Producing as much of our own food as possible, hunting, gathering, reusing and up-cycling, living more energy efficiently, etc.
So far we are raising chickens organically for eggs and occasionally eating an extra rooster for meat. We are trying to garden (our soil needs improving right now as it use to be all pines so we've only done so-so in this dept., but this is only our second year) We've added rabbits...for meat. No I'm not a monster, rabbits are a healthy, free, sustainable source of meat that if we like rabbit can supply us with lots of organic protein. They cost us nothing because they eat grass, weeds and kitchen scraps. If we decide we don't like rabbit then we won't breed them anymore and our parent rabbits can live a long happy life with us.
Additionally, we are implementing rain barrels to provide water for animals and to water the garden. We got rid of our broken push mower and replaced it with an old school reel mower. No more gas and oil and broken engines for us! And instead of buying a weed eater which we never had, we got a scythe. Bring on the crazy comments. And other then the small section of our backyard that we use, all the rest is wild and maintenance free. No cost, no energy use, no nuthin'! I'm hoping in the next three years we can add a low cost solar system on the roof. Just enough to run a few things for now and maybe we can grow it later.
Anyhow, these are just some of the things we're doing and we are always trying to add more. If things are free to do thats awesome, if they cost money, we do it as we can (translation: we get it donevery slowly). But this is how we are choosing to live and we love it. Our goal is to live minimally, live healthy and to live as eco friendly as we can. Unfortunately for anyone who attempts this lifestyle, it isn't easy. We live in a world that makes if difficult to live eco friendly and to eat healthy. Not impossible, but either difficult or full of temptation.
I have to give George props, he enjoys much of living this way, but would not have found his way there on his own. However, he usually lets me drag him along as I experiment with new things here and there. He's a trooper.
The point to this is I love living this way and am going to start posting about it more and more so heads up that you'll be seeing that...