The baby man being goofy and carefree like always...
George wrapped up hunting season...
We attended our one Mardi Gras parade of the year, The Mullet Maids...
Super stoked about the new special needs carts a couple local stores have, called Caroline's Carts...
Finally got Clayton a handicap tag. It's not something we will use 80% of the time, but for that other 20% I am thrilled we have it cause it just made this mama's life that much easier. Try carrying your freshly sedated kid out of the hospital a few times. That handicap parking spot makes all the difference...
We hatched chicks for the first time ever!
Undoubtedly one of the coolest experiences...
The mama hen went through an extreme bitchy phase about a week after the chicks hatched, but she's recovering thank goodness.
And...we got ducks! Oh how I love them. Feel free to think I'm crazy, but my backyard poultry brings me joy and peace.
And George has been doing like Rihanna with work, work, work. Thank you Jesus, George got a better job were he's at and started that in March. We made big sacrifices for Clayton to have good insurance 5 years ago and we have been patiently (but not idly) waiting for that sacrifice to turn into something really great and I hope and pray this is it.
Oh yeah! And we've been working on the house. We've gotten more done inside in the last two months than we have since we moved in I think. I'll do a seperate post for that.
That mostly sums up what we've been back with medical update soon.