January 21, 2012

January 21, 2012

So maybe yesterday's post was done in frustration.  It has been a long month and it would just be nice if a couple of our doctors and nurse practitioners weren't being so dang stubborn.  I can say though that I was relieved that my mother and MIL saw just how stubborn the doctors and nurse practitioners were being yesterday (at least about one thing).  Moving on...
Clayton is done with his "just-in-case" crash cart chemo for this round.  All we have left is the other medicine tonight and then should be back home tomorrow.  Fingers crossed!
I swear it feels like we don't have weekends anymore.  We are usually in the hospital on the weekends and when we get discharged, we end up turning around and going to work.  Then we either don't make it through a work week without going back in the hospital or we make it through the work week and end up in the hospital on Saturday.  Please give us a weekend...PLEASE!
We are desperately longing for a beautiful day at home to just play with Clayton when he feels good and forget about neuroblastoma and doctors and hospitals and chemo and transplants and everything.  Just for a little bit enjoy the pleasures we took for granted.  Sit in the backyard, play on the swing set George and Jeremy put together, visit with friends, drink a beer, you know, normal things.  Our poor dog is depressed, the cat is so desperate for us to come home that when we are there he has taken to sleeping on the pillow above our heads.  We are hoping that things will work out for us to be home for a nice weekend at home next weekend.  So once again...fingers crossed!  But enough of my whining, on to fun things...
I mentioned a few days ago that I had been inspired by all of the kids in Birmingham.  All of their families make t-shirts.  I loved them.  And one of the fun things is that most of the nurses wear the different kid's t-shirts instead of scrub tops, which is a super cute way of supporting all of the kids.  So I started working on one up there and here is what I came up with:
Everyone who knows Clayton knows how much he loves Cars, so I tried to pay tribute to that.  And the gold ribbon is for pediatric cancer.  George and I are pretty tickled with it!  More on plans for it soon!

1 comment:

  1. Love the logo!!!!!!!!!!!!! I want and need one! Post the link to buy soon!!!!
    Have a great week, praying for that weekend for y'all! Hope it involves a happy toddler and maybe an adult beverage for you and George:)
