June 21, 2012

June 21, 2012 **Updated**

He's out and he's up. The doctor said it was hard to get the stint in because of the blockage, but it's in. I think the plan is to keep the stint in for 3 months or so. It will all depend on his kidney. After the procedure they held us for a few hours and had Clayton on three hours bed rest. He was bright eyed and bushy-tailed almost as soon as he woke up though.
For now they exchanged the base of the old nephrostomy tube for a new one and have left that in, but it is capped off. If Clayton starts to get a fever or vomitting or has pain on his right side, then I can uncap it and hook it to another bag so it will once again drain from the kidney's collection chamber. Otherwise, he should urinate as normal now. If we have any problems though, we have a capped off tube going in his kidney and another in his bladder. As long as everything goes well over the next week or so, then we will take out what is left of the nephrostomy tube on July 2nd. We are not sure when we will be removing the super pubic catheter just yet. Everyone is hoping this will remedy the situation with his kidney and be the last piece of the puzzle so that we can move forward.

In regards to my post from the other day, I don't want anyone to think I'm about to break because I'm frustrated; it's just part of this crazy crazy ride. I just vent here and beyond that I try not to talk about it. Honestly, beyond what I am required to talk to doctors about I have done some serious shutting down when it comes to talking about it. I am not implying people are not welcome to ask how Clayton is though. We are so fortunate to have so many people that care and I don't dare take that for granted. I can't explain what it does to you when you are consumed by something like this the way we have been, but there comes a point where you just grow weary of it (at least for me).

1 comment:

  1. Considering everything I say you are long overdue a good LOUD SCREAM! Praying is all most of us can offer and so we will continue. Being a life long Disney fan I think a little Disney Magic would certainly be just what Clayton and his mom and dad need. Sounds like a great way to celebrate the next birthday. May your wish come true soon.
