December 20, 2012

December 20, 2012 cont...

They let us out of the hospital because his respiratory function improved so much after the first six hours. Instead of monitoring him another night, they decided they should let us go home to hopefully prevent him from contracting one of the many things floating around the hospital. They didn't want him to catch something and for things to get worse. So we are home!
Now back to work tomorrow! Today George worked and I stayed at the hospital with Clayton and tomorrow I'm back at work and George is taking his birthday to spend the day with Clayton and continue to keep a close eye on him.
Meanwhile George and I are trying not to go bonkers! We are a paranoid mess now for sure. With cancer you have a little time to fight, with respiratory attacks you don't and that has us scared out of our minds. To watch Clayton struggling for air and not be able to breath in or out was horrific. You feel so helpless. The ride home tonight was horrible because we couldn't see him and it was just horrible. We need to be medicated! I kid...

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