5:00 am- leave hotel in West Monroe to be in Dallas by 10:00...for those Duck Dynasty fans that saw the episode where the guys where having a donut eating contest, let me answer that question for you: yes, the donuts are THAT good. Especially at 5:00 am when they are still warm!
10:00 am- stop in OshKosh to get Clayton some short sleeve button ups because t-shirts won't fit over his "halo".
10:30 am- hello Whataburger!
11:00 am- at Texas Scottish Rite Hospital for Children, go straight to x-ray where another child taunts Clayton with his toy ambulance. Literally taunts him, getting right in our faces to the point we finally moved. Then back to attempt good x-rays...oh the joy!
11:30 am- x-rays..check, go to Admissions.
11:50 am- go to Media for "before" pictures of Clayton's back. Taking his shirt off didn't go over to well.
12:10 pm- draw Labs where before we could get to the last vial, Clayton jerks the needle out of his arm.
12:30 pm- waiting to meet with Dr. Sucato, during which time we talk to someone with pharmacy.
12:45 pm- Dr. Sucato's nurse checks in on us.
12:50 pm- a research nurse comes in asking if we will permit Clayton to be a part of their study. Following his progress, taking measurements, etc.
1:00 pm- Our local urologist, Dr. Terry calls, says the stent in Clayton's ureter should come out as soon as possible, he knows a pediatric urologist here and wants us to consult with him so he can get it out while we are here.
1:15 pm- a fellow comes in and we review and sign consents.
1:30 pm- We finally see Dr. Sucato. Thankfully Clayton is being playful and not screaming!
2:00 pm- head over to pharmacy to check in.
2:30 pm- head over to anesthesia...wait...wait
2:50 pm- talk with post op nurses about tomorrow.
3:15 pm- talk with Anesthesia
3:50 pm- Our room! Finally! Thank you God we don't have to share with anyone!
4:00 pm- nurse reviewing medical info and asking questions, George runs to grab us a quick bite.
4:15 pm- OT comes in
4:20 pm - Nutritionist comes in
4:25 pm- Child life comes in
4:30 pm- down to Orthotics. Clayton loved the wheelchair and was very curious about his "halo". I hope that is the only time I will ever have to say Clayton got fitted for a Halo. We also sized him for a wheelchair and a walker.
5:30 pm- back to room, check plans with nurse
6:00 pm- We all leave to check into the Ronald.
7:00 pm- back to hospital.
7:30 pm- George gets Clayton to sleep and I leave and get lost in Whole Foods silently walking around thinking to myself, "Whole Foods, I love you. I want to spend my life with you."
Showers and sleep follow, then we get to wake up tomorrow and Clayton's procedure is at noon. We are expecting a headache and some grouchiness. Let him rest Wednesday and adjust to halo and start traction Thursday.
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