July 25, 2013

July 24, 2013

Last week really threw me for a whirl.  I have know idea why; I should have expected something to go terribly wrong because that is typical for us.  Now we are left forging on and contemplating what our next move will be for Clayton's wellness.  Even if last week did not cause obvious long term damage, who's to say how many hits a single kidney -that started out in this world functioning one third of what it should have- can undergo before it begins to weaken?  Chemo...hit one.  Hemorrhagic Cystitis leading to hydonephrosis...hit two.  Radiation...hit three.  Last week...hit four.  We have to be so careful with that kidney because if he is going to need a kidney transplant, we would prefer it be when he is much older.  
Anyway, we know that MSKCC does not have any treatment that Clayton is eligible for right now that we are comfortable with.  The only possibility would be the humanized version of 3f8, but we have reason to suspect from other participants that based on his last reaction to 3f8, we would likely have problems with the humanize version as well, and we are not going to put him through at again.  Which leaves us with Michigan and possible alternative treatments.  We would like to try Clayton on a special  diet in hopes of preventing any relapse, but if we did the treatment in Michigan, we would have to follow a different diet.  And we have to make these decisions now, because it would take some time to get the ball rolling with Michigan.  We also have to consider what we would do if he relapses, because if he does, we will need to act quickly, so we need a game plan.  I have always said that if he relapses, we would go straight to MSKCC.  That is still true, if we went with conventional medicine.  However, we have to decide if we would go with conventional medicine or a more natural approach to healing.  We are fortunate his kidney has come so far and we can't continue to poison it without expecting it to retaliate at some point.  Also, if he relapses, the odds are not very good and we have to decide that if it seems his cancer might be resistant to chemo would we put our foot down and go for natural only treatments in hopes of preserving his quality of life at the very least, if not saving his kidney too.  Or would we try an all natural therapy from the get go?  Lots of decisions.  I know some of you probably think I am crazy for not knowing we would go straight to chemo/modern medicine and I know others agree about our contemplating his quality of life- because a few people commented about his quality of life when we were first about to start chemo after his diagnosis.  And I'm sure some of you think why the hec are they worrying about this at all right now.  Well, we are because we need to be prepared.  All of these things are impossible decisions and affect our future in ways we cannot even imagine, which is why I am bogged down by all of it right now.  
You want to make the right decisions for your kids, but when the decisions are this dang big, it's hard to know your making the right decision.  I will say that as crazy as people may think I am, I believe more and more in the power of natural therapies.  I also believe in using modern medicine when it's necessary, but I think a good wholesome organic diet can do wonders.  I know I use to take Advil everyday for headaches, then I started eating mostly organic and stopped getting headaches.  Once I got out here, I was eating cafeteria food and not a mostly organic diet and the headaches came back. I'm not basing my entire belief on that, but that certainly helped confirm my feelings about a good wholesome organic diet.  I know at the end of the day, there will always be a group of people that think  this stuff is crap and doesn't make a difference and I am being foolish and wasting my time.  Perfectly OK with that.  I am not setting out to change anyone's feelings about the way they live, just explaining how Clayton's battle with cancer caused us to examine our lives and think twice about the things we are putting in our bodies and the other ways in which we choose to live.
We're also trying to make decisions about his back surgery.  So I'm just bogged down by my thoughts right now...


  1. Hang on and follow your heart "Meredith". We will all support whatever you and George decide.

  2. You have made solid wise decisions since day 1, I have zero doubt that you will continue to use your knowledge & intuition to make these ones as well.
    You continue to amaze me as a mother, wife & blogger.

  3. Hi, My name is Shanae Meek. My husband and I worked with Buck and know Amber, as well. I have been following your blog and praying for you guys along the way! I just wanted to give you a little info based on our own cancer experiences. My husbands sweet little mother had colon cancer that metastasized to her brain. She was given 6-9 months to live. She started taking Juice Plus and then went to a place called Eden Valley. They are a holistic place that taught her how to eat to battle her cancer. Her and my father-in-law went and changed EVERYTHING about their nutrition and eating habits and she lived 2 1/2 more years! Unfortunately, she slowly went back to eating like she had before and it came back with a vengeance! I am a TRUE believer that diet and eating NO SUGAR makes a HUGE difference when you are sick! People are going to have an opinion no matter what, you do what your heart guides you to do and don't worry about what other people think! I just wanted to share my own experiences, I hope it helps!
