January 27, 2015

The Real Risk

So the vaccine topic is as hot as ever right now.  So I wanted to clarify.  I am not pro vaccine or anti vaccine.  And if I had a healthy child I have no idea what I would do or how I would feel.  But I don't.  I have Clayton.  The kid with crazy. crappy. luck.  I feel like his medical history combined with his tendency to be ultra sensitive to things justifies my concerns.  Which makes it particularly frustrating if doctors won't talk to you about stuff.  I did however, have a brief chat with his oncologist at Nemours about it yesterday.  He brought it up.  He is clearly pro vaccine and I am clearly well me, so we did tread lightly I feel in order to not have a heated discussion about the topic.  But he sees my desire to avoid risk both by getting what is necessary and avoiding what is not.  To that end he did say that polio probably was not necessary if we weren't traveling out of the country.  He also mentioned the Heppatitis vaccines were maybe not necessary for my approach.  But he strongly recommended the whooping cough vaccine, pneumococcal pneumonia vaccine and a vaccine for a bacterial version of flu (not the same as seasonal flu).  So though I could have talked with him about it more, I didn't try to yesterday because as my mother so eloquently put it, I was in a "bitchy" mood and felt it wasn't the best time to tour the sensitive subject.
The main point here is this.  I am not concerned Clayton is going to get autism from a vaccine...um, hello?  He already is autistic...I am concerned about his seemingly fragile body and the side effects often seen on the info packets the doctors hand out after they give your kid their shots.  Those are very real documented side effects.  And maybe they are rare, but so is everything about Clayton.  If you haven't noticed, we don't have the best of luck.  Especially my sweet little bug.  So I feel that a proceed with extreme caution is in order.  While it seems the medical community at large is all, "load our kids up, one size fits all".  Not my style.  I don't want him to contract these illnesses, nor do I want him suffering these rare side effects.  It's a tough decision for some parents and one I think doctors should be willing to discuss.  
I'll link an interesting article on the subject below if your interested.


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