We managed to get here Tuesday between winter storm Quantum and the mini snow storm on Wednesday morning. To do so, we had to take the longest route turning a 10 hour drive into a 12 1/2 hour drive. But we managed to come in just long enough after Quantum to safely make it into the city thanks to a little bit of melting. Then yesterday morning they were worried that Wednesday's early morning rain was going to turn to ice and lead to snow...which it did. So we left for the hospital in a hurry to be sure if we were going to be stuck somewhere we were stuck there. And since we were there by 7:30 we got to get all of our appointments done early and had a free afternoon.
Anyway, yesterday's crazy weather had it raining from midnight to 6:30 am, followed by sleet, then snow, then by 10 it was all over and by 3 in the afternoon it was 48 degrees out. Crazy! We've already seen flurries today and it is snowing all around Dallas right now, so we are waiting to see if we get more here.
We spent all morning being admitted to the hospital for our one night stay prior to his procedure tomorrow. A lot of work for a little dental work. But with kids like Clayton this is what you have to do. I hope everyone that can take their kids to the dentist like normal appreciates how simple that is in the scheme of things. So here is the story with his teeth...the dentist said that many kids like Clayton, who have issues in early life and in utero, their teeth often do not calcify right (which is why they have a dental clinic/surgery at this hospital). This leads to weak enamel that easily can break and expose the dentin. Clayton's bottom teeth all seem to be fine. He has four teeth that undoubtedly need work and a couple of molars that the dentist needs a closer look at. Since all they did was a visual exam, they will know which teeth for sure and which solutions when they get in there Friday. Should be about 2 hours or so of work and he is first case. So hopefully that should give us plenty of time to wake him from his sedation and be sure he is ok before being discharged. Please pray all goes well and we can get discharged tomorrow and have a safe trip home.
I also want to ask for prayers for a man named Britt. You might not know him, but it's enough to know he is a good man, a husband and a father of two little ones. He is 37 and fighting a persistent cancer. Please add him to your prayer lists!
I'll let everyone know how tomorrow goes!
One last thing...A super BIG thanks to Mulligan Ministries and Barnwell Baptist and all their amazing support that helped us get this special needs stroller for Clayton. You can see it in the different pics and since we got it in August it has been such a blessing. It's larger than typical strollers, has a larger weight capacity and allows for a much taller child. We needed it SO bad, but they are quite pricey. So a huge thank you to all those who supported Mulligan Ministries and Clayton. This trip especially, it has been so helpful!!!
They also helped us get him a good healthy orthopedic mattress to support his back, in addition to helping us cover medical bills. All of that is so fresh in my mind with the nature of this trip, so though I have mentioned it before, thank you, thank you, thank you!
It's called a Special Tomato and is designed by the father of a special needs child. I love it!
So...one more thing...Clayton's back is worsening again. Above and below his surgery has been worsening as he's grown since the surgery. Sadly Clayton's back and kidney seem destined to betray their sweet little host. As I pretty well knew the doctor expects we will definitely have to do a final fusion on his back in the future. They like kids to be at least 10 to do this, but in a desperate situation, they could do it as young as 8. We are just going to watch his back and see what happens for now. Hopefully he can be 10 or 12 before that day comes.
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