May 31, 2016

Medical Monday: No News

So we have not heard any updates to our recent urology dilemma.  I spoke with the urology nurse multiple times last week, but she had no news for me and like me, she was waiting to see what the doctors decided...still waiting.  The way I see it, the scenarios are this:

(A) They rush us to Orlando to do the procedure we attempted in March before the Orlando doctor leaves July 1st.

(B) They rush us to Orlando to do a larger more complicated surgery to correct the problem, which would call for a longer stay. (if they attempt option A and are unsuccessful they had already said they would then go to option B anyway)

(C) They decide whoever the replacement doctor will be in Orlando will be able to sufficiently handle Clayton's case and they have us wait on the replacement doctor.

(D) Maybe they decide a urologist from another neighboring Nemours can assist with Clayton's case.

All this is speculation.  And regardless, with Dr. Swana leaving, we have to meet and greet with another doctor to decide if we like them.  Which sucks, because we already got aquatinted with Dr. Swana and I really liked him.  After so many years, I've developed a sixth sense as to whether or not a doctor will fit us very well.
The other problem is that the longer Clayton's stent stays in, the more at risk he is for complications.

Anyway, still waiting...

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