Don't give up on me...I forgot how long it has been since I posted. Not only did things slow down again medically this month, but we have been without internet. We do not live in a normal world of $40 month all you can use internet. Oh no. We live in this no man's land where internet providers either refuse to run lines or have no jurisdiction because of stupid politics and therefore we pay premiums for the internet we do get. Our options are satellite internet or Verizon and ATT wireless options. We had been using a special Verizon satellite internet thing that we had to pay $90 a month for just 20GBs. But we needed the internet because George has been in So internet was a must even at such a premium. Then the other week, our satellite thing stopped working and all the trouble shooting in the world seemed to be useless. We could have paid $150 to have someone come here and fix and or replace it, but that seemed pointless since we were going to cancel it in December anyway after George graduates.
Anyway, we opted to go ahead and cancel it and decided to just up our cellular data plans and use our cell phones as hotspots. Which is a whole lot of nothing that folks probably don't care about, but thats why I haven't been around. The craziest thing about all of it is we aren't that far out. My sister lives twenty minutes further into the country then we do and she has no problems getting the "good" internet. It is literally that we live in this in-between area where no high speed internet providers dare to venture apparently.
Now that I'm done with that... I've been getting Clayton ready for his second year of homeschool and George ready for his last semester of college...ever! We've also been extra busy because my parents are selling their small bay house and George's parents are downsizing. So we have been cleaning out and up and moving with two sets of parents.
Oh and last week, we lost three chickens. Damn raccoons. Every time they find a way in and we fix it, they just find a new way. Oh and we don't think Macy is pregnant. Which sucks. Maybe next time. Just a quick update. A little medical news coming Monday!
What we've been up to:
My little Sherlock. |
Much need break at Gramps house. |
The grand pup got a break too and got to play with her buds. |
She just swam her sweet little self to sleep . |
And then she ripped our leather chair looking for lost honey nut O's courtesy of Clayton. |
Hanging at Vivi's. |
And because we are helping both parents clean out we've been swimming in old photos. Meet high school George and high school Rachel. We use to pass each other in the halls and never even knew what was in store for us. Lordy, Lordy...
Look at those cute kids! |