August 1, 2016

Sunday Snippets

Olaf decided to borrow part of Clayton's halloween costume for some dress up of his own.

For everyone who wonders what Clayton does on the iPad, this is it.  LOTS and LOTS of pictures. We deleted 17,000 pictures this weekend!

My style tends to have a mix of classic clean, lake cottage and country cottage, so when I finished our  little drop station above, the farm animals were perfect.   My mom had this dining room piece with the farm animals she had had all my life and usually sat on the floor.  But to make it work for my house I got George to mount it as a cabinet.  It's perfect.  The desk used to belong to my Uncle Tim and then to Mike (stepdad).  I'm hoping it will bring me some kind of good fortune like it did for them.  Never hurts to hope.

This was our house shortly after we moved in... Summer 2014

This is our house now with the progress we've made; we have done 98% of it ourselves (we outsourced about half of the batten strips because that was a long tedious job).  Paint (we brushed the entire house since it's not real big), lattice, stained porches, covered porches, etc.  I plan on adding working shutters (hurricane preparedness) but haven't had the time or money to start tackling that one yet.  Either way it's coming little cottage in the woods :)

I'll try and add some more pictures soon for those curious about the house we built ourselves and what it looks like.

We are also cleaning out George's parents house, who much to our delight decided to downsize.  Here are some gems we found this weekend.

The old letterman jacket.
I LOVE this picture.  Baby George makes me smile...or laugh hilariously...either way.
It's like a time capsule over there right now :)

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