I was out and about the other day and a woman beside me had a friend walk up to her with a bag of cough drops saying how she had just recovered from the flu the day before, yada-yada. I couldn't put enough distance between me and them fast enough. If you have cooties stay home. And if you have to get out, which happens to most of us, be respectful to others and be mindful of your germs please.
That said, if your like me and want to avoid the flu, here is my tried and true Elderberry Syrup recipe. I swear by this stuff. A couple years back Clayton had a confirmed case of the flu and literally coughed in my face constantly while cuddling with me or having me hold him and thanks to this stuff I did not get sick. Because no, we don't do flu shots. Bad experiences with flu shots specifically.
A recap of my stance on vaccines:
Cliff notes version is I believe every vaccine is the same and every person is different and therefore, you can not expect the same results every time. Scientifically, it doesn't make sense in my opinion. I do think vaccines are wonderful and am grateful for them, but I completely disagree with the idea of blanket coverage for everyone one except for those with currently compromised immune systems due to things like chemotherapy. Obviously those people get exemption, but I also believe other people that have a history of sensitivities/reactions to things and have multiple underlying conditions should have the choice to opt out if they feel it is in their best interest without being shunned by doctors or schools or communities. I feel that if you choose not to have your child vaccinated for idealogical reasons that you should be willing to home school your child not necessarily for the health of others, but also for the health of your child. I think vaccines have brought our society a long way and we should respect that simple fact. But we also need to better respect, as a society, that vaccines are not right for everyone. We also need to, as a society, demand transparency on vaccines starting at the top. If parents are expected to give their children vaccines, then they should be able to know everything there is to know about that vaccine. As for Clayton specifically, I do not believe his vaccines before age 3 have anything to do with his autism. I opt not to give Clayton most vaccines because he has a history of being overly sensitive to things, having poor reactions to things, being immunocompromised and has multiple underlying conditions. For more on how I feel about vaccines, read HERE.
The purpose of elderberry syrup is to boost the immune system. Historically, elderberries have been used as a natural medicine with great success. Elderberries, combined with the other ingredients in this syrup, make for one natural remedy that I have been using for a couple of years and absolutely swear by. I have also started giving it to Clayton this year. I give him a half a teaspoon every couple days or so. I like to be very cautious with him, so I don't yet give him the full teaspoon daily that is suggested.
Elderberry Syrup Recipe:
1/2 cup dried elderberries
2 cups water
3/4 cups raw unfiltered honey
1 tablespoon ground ginger
1 teaspoon ground cinnamon
1/2 teaspoon cloves
In a small pot, combine water, elderberries and spices. Bring to a boil. Reduce temperature and allow to simmer, stirring occasionally, until mixture is reduced by half. Once reduced, strain mixture to separate elderberries from liquid (I like to strain with cheesecloth). Squeeze excess liquid from elderberries. Add honey to remaining liquid. Combine thoroughly and let cool. Transfer to jar and store in refrigerator.
Daily dosage up to:
1 teaspoon for children
1/2 tablespoon for adults
It makes your house smell amazing when you make this syrup!
Stay well!
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