July 27, 2012

July 28, 2012

I have so much to say right now. I could start by telling everyone how ridiculous our trip home was Thursday night/ Friday morning OR I could decide not to waste any more of my time reliving the frustration. At least not here. This place is about more important frustrations and triumphs.
Instead, let me start by saying we are home and Clayton is still NED. It is hard to believe that what is behind us is behind us and that 3f8 is the only foreseeable treatment ahead. I am filled with so many things; disbelief, awe, joy, worry, sadness, fear, elation, gratitude. It almost feels like a new beginning. Maybe it is...
I cannot move forward though until I express our thanks. So many people have been so amazing to us throughout this entire thing. Our neighbors have been awesome. They have mowed our yard, watched after Otis and never failed to find ways to express concern and let us know they are there for us. Our families have of course been rocks through out this process. Not everyone is lucky enough to have that and George and I are grateful we do.
One of the MOST important supporting factors in our fight against Clayton's cancer has been our coworkers at the city. Wow. Y'all are amazing. Thank you is not sufficient and George and I feel so fortunate to be a part of our city coworker "family". We could not have been there for our son the way we have been without the patience and generosity of so many employees. Everybody has a choice, and from the beginning our bosses CHOSE to be supportive. Their support not only made a world of difference to us, but most importantly let Clayton have both his mom and his dad with him during some of his hardest moments. To those we work with directly, thank you so much for working extra hard in our absence and being so understanding throughout this ordeal. Everyone at the city has been so amazing. George and I are humbled everyday.

There are just so many people to thank. It is always such a shock to realize just how many people keep up with Clayton. We are so grateful for all of the thoughts and prayers. Every single one is needed. Thank you so so so much...to everyone.

1 comment:

  1. Elated for all of you. Good to know work families like the city of Fairhope still exist. And so geateful to God for his mercy & grace.
