September 8, 2015


Seriously unbelievable... I am not grasping some of our latest news.  We did an ultrasound on Clayton in August and I got the results about a week and half ago, but haven't posted because I don't know what to make of the results.  At first I wanted to be sure the new nurse who delivered the news was not somehow confused (because she has been before), so I verified with our veteran urology nurse.  Sure enough, same news and she read me the radiology report.
Somehow and I have no idea how, Clayton's kidney showed no signs of hydronephrosis (fluid on the kidney leading to decreased function) in the most recent ultrasound.  No test EVER in his life has had those results.  Seriously.  Not one single test in his entire life has ever shown his kidney without hydronephrosis.  Some tests show a little more and some a little less, but never has there been NONE.  I have not gotten to speak with the doctor yet to hear from him what this means for everything, but I will soon.  Until then, I'm just in shock.  I don't know what this means for the future of his kidney and to go from the doctors preparing to put him on the kidney transplant list last December to where we are now is CRAZY.  So this is crazy, but good crazy and despite our shock and questions, we are trying to be grateful for these turn of events and hope they are here to stay.  So THANK YOU for all of your prayers for his kidney health, they did something!
We do cancer scans in the next couple weeks and that CT will further confirm or debunk the results of the recent ultrasound.  So I am definitely going to be pacing waiting on those results.  These scans will also be his 3 year post chemo scans.  That's a milestone.
Otherwise things have been good.  We have been working hard on finishing projects around the house.  That's the thing not everyone realizes when I said we were building our house.  We didn't pay someone else to do everything for us we have literally been doing it ourselves.  And we slowed way down on projects after we moved in, but got a little fuel in our tanks recently and have been doing some things.  We have been caulking and painting (the whole house exterior, by hand), covering our back porch and touching up paint inside.  The exterior is finally coming together which I am thrilled about.  I also like keeping busy on projects, because it keeps my anxiety at bay.

My anxiety has been doing better.  It comes and goes, but much less than it use to.  I hope over the coming months on this medication, it comes less and less.  Still liking the medicine though.

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