October 6, 2013

October 5, 2013

Here are some old pics and some more recent ones to show everyone what we've been up to and why your not hearing much from me.

Before Texas:

Morning of Halo placement...

After Halo:  so hard to beleive we had to put him through this...the things we have had to ask of this child are so unfair...

Some of our friends:

What we're doing now...
Me getting a taste of Clayton's life when I landed in the ER.

Clayton hanging with his favorite elephant.

Trying to clean out the house to sell and having to replace old carpet stained by chemo vomit and crazy fits of chemo diarrhea...just being honest.

Trying to get the thrift store in order.

Going through months of mail.  Most of which is Clayton mail.  Insurance claims, bills, hospital surveys...lots of phone calls to make.  You would be surprised how often hospitals overlook insurance, bill you and you have to call and fix things.  My credit will probably be ruined forever in part because they send these debts on to the collection agencies, you do not always get a first or second notice of the bill and they don't care if they messed up.  Once it goes against my credit it's there and it doesn't matter if it's their fault or not.  I even had bills from a collection agency saying we owed USACW thousands.  I had never gotten a bill from the hospital about this.  I called the hospital to figure things out only to learn they had switched systems and there had been an error, we did not really owe them anything.  But once it goes against my credit it doesn't matter if it's their fault...bogus.  And this happens regularly.

And trying to clear the property (that's George) so we can get started on the house. (As for anybody with an opinion about this, we are building a 1,000 sq ft home on free property to live more affordably.  We are making a smart financial decision and one that is respectful to all of those who have tried to help us financially.  So if anyone does not understand this and why it it the right choice...well I don't care.  I'm tired and a little grouchy and while incredibly thankful to those that have shown us such an outpouring of support, I am slightly bitter towards those very few that feel qualified to judge our lives and the choices we make.  Maybe if those people walked a mile in my shoes, they would spend less time trying to judge my family and more time bringing judgment against our government and our society for the lack of funding for pediatric cancer.  Now that would be time well spent.  Rant over.)

Anyhow, just a few old pics and a few recents explaining why we are so absent right now.  I'll update when we get Clayton's cast off.

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