Zoey was diagnosed with Neuroblastoma last August. Miraculous she did not need surgery or chemotherapy for her form of neuroblastoma. It even shrunk some on its own. Her parents would just fly here and check in with the doctors and do scans. My understanding is that on a recent trip to check-in, a last minute call was made to remove her tumor which was located in her neck. Since having her surgery on April 24th, she has been in the PICU. She is having a difficult time breathing on her own and though she was extubated on Tuesday, it seems they had to re-intubate her over the past 24 hours. Her parents and grandparents keep up a Caringbridge page; if your interested, search zoeybrickley. She and her family need prayers right now to get sweet Zoey off of respiratory support!
Here are some pictures from her parents Caringbridge page:
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