May 29, 2012


The doctor called and had me meet him in a consult room to update me and tell me they are going to have to open Clayton up to resolve the issue. There wasn't much time to talk because the doctor had to get right back to the OR because they are doing all this right now; they just needed my consent. Clayton has so many blood clots that they cannot get them all and get a good view of the bladder. Therefore opening his bladder up is the next option. However, opening him up will make it easier to resolve things. They will be able to see for sure that they have removed the clots. Then he will be able to be certain that there are no other lesions in he bladder and confirm that the lesion is nothing more than hemorrhagic cystitis. Then he will be able to more easily cauterize the lesion and apply a treatment in a more controlled way. So they are taking multiple measures. Even though Clayton will now be intubated, the doctor does not think we will have to go back to the PICU. This is not major surgery in the way his tumor resection was. I will have more to report in a little while.

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