July 17, 2013

July 17, 2013 cont...

OK day today.  We got him extubated today with minimal problems afterwards.  As of this evening he is still on the nasal cannula.  He is swollen-common with renal problems- and he can't open his eyes too much, but that should continue to improve.  His nephrostomy tube is draining the kidney as intended and we have seen his creatinine levels improve throughout the day.  He hasn't eaten anything, but he did manage to drink a cup of juice.  No smiles and he noticeably doesn't feel good, but I am hoping he will wake up feel much better tomorrow.  Please pray things keep getting better.
He did pull the IV out of his foot though...feisty as always!
I'm a little concerned he didn't want to eat at all or drink more, that's a bit unusual for him-even after an extubation-, but I hope it's nothing and tomorrow will be a better day for him.

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