May 29, 2012

Post Op

He's out and settled back in the POU.

Where to start...We didn't know for sure what the doctor was going to find when he got in there today. Which meant we didn't know for sure what he would need to do. Obviously from my last post, he felt the need to open Clayton's bladder and try to resolve things. Once he opened it, he was able to remove all of the clots and get a clear picture of what he was working with. They saw not 1, but 10 patchy spots that were oozing blood. He then biopsied two spots before proceeding to cauterize them all. The specimens looked fine and confirmed that this does appear to be nothing more than a case of refractory hemorrhagic cystitis brought on by the use of the drug cyclophosphamide and the onset of the BK virus when his immune system was suppressed after his fourth round of chemo. Moving on though, once that was done, using a sponge, he applied some formulin which works to further cauterize things in a sense by causing the bladder's blood vessels to contract. They also had to give Clayton a transfusion during surgery because his hemoglobin dropped from 8.4 or so before surgery to 5.5 during (he is about to get platelets as well). He then inserted a super pubic catheter which sits a little ways below the belly button. This will be a means to extract any blood clots if they do form. Unlike a normal catheter, it clamps off to allow him to urinate on his own and does not require a bag of any kind. He will keep that in for about a month. For the next few days, he will also have a normal catheter. They have a continuous irrigation system set up going in one catheter and out the other. That will stop in a few days when the traditional catheter comes out. In the mean time, we will be doing all of our tests that were scheduled this week. The surgeon did not make it sound as though this would keep us here much longer than expected. Maybe just a couple of days.

Aside from that, not much to report. He is a little uncomfortable -which I hope will significantly subside tomorrow. He is already back at the iPad though!

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